PS5 DualSense Controller

The new controller design has been unveiled by Sony and the new DualSense controller looks sleek. The design has smoother edges and the light is around the touchpad (instead of at the top) so it’s more conspicuous. The controller is dual color — white & black which looks sharp. The overall design is still reminiscent of the DualShock controllers, but it’s one of the bigger redesigns we’ve seen in quite a while. It almost looks like a cross between a DualShock and the PS3 Boomerang controller. I certainly hope it’s as comfortable to hold as it looks!
Now for some of the nitty gritty on the features of this new wireless DualSense Controller. The “Share” button’s design is changed up and is now called the “Create” button but still has pretty much the same function. Sony has mentioned that the video editing/sharing features will be more robust on the PS5 too. A built-in microphone array has been added to remove the necessity of a headset when chatting with friends and the 3D audio tech adds to the immersion in the game.
The L2 and R2 trigger buttons have had a minor redesign in style, but Sony has added adaptive feedback into the triggers which can change the tension as you press down. For example, if you’re pulling on a bow string in a game, the button becomes harder to press down the further it’s pressed, just like fully drawing a bow. The vibration function has been upgraded to use haptic feedback so the vibration can change to match different textures in the game. This means that the vibration in the controller will be different between a dirt track and a paved track in a racing game for example. These two major changes contribute to the change in name to “DualSense” which now makes sense. The controller also charges/connects to the PS5 via a USB C connection which is an excellent touch.
These are all exciting changes, but I do have a couple of concerns. There is a lot of tech in there, which can make the controller extra heavy. This might not seem like a big deal, but during those long gaming sessions, that can make a huge difference. The other major concern is with battery life. Again, with all that tech there is going to be more power usage. Every gamer wants a wireless controller that lasts a good while after every charge. The abysmal battery life of the gamepad on the Wii U is one of the factors that added to its failure! There have been some rumors of problems and delays with the PS5, but according to Sony, the PS5 is still slated for release during the holiday season later this year.
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