Saltwater Brewery in Delray, FL

This is not a typical article on a Microbrewery or their beers. I have not tried the beer and have not been to their brewery. A lot of plastic waste ends up in our oceans killing marine life and the folks at Saltwater Brewery didn’t take that sitting down. Partnered with We Believers ad agency, Saltwater Brewery has developed edible six pack rings for their beers. These rings feed, rather than kill marine life, and are made from the by-products of the beer-making process (barley and wheat) so they are safe for both humans and fish to eat. The rings are 100% biodegradable and compostable.
The rings are more expensive to produce, but these Floridians believe that most people won’t mind the extra cost when faced with the grim reality of the damage plastics have done to our oceans. There are a variety of beers to choose from, from Stouts to IPA’s so you should be able to find a beer you like. Their beer is certainly worth a try especially considering that they are getting away from plastic and using biodegradable’s that sea life can eat.
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